The triumph of vinyl: Vintage is back as LP sales continue to skyrocket

Personalized cancer treatments based on testing drugs quickly leads to faster treatment, better outcomes.

Sleep quality, circadian rhythm and metabolism differ in women and men – new review reveals this could affect disease risk.

  By understanding animals’ perceptions, we can better protect them. In the case of dolphins, knowing how they perceive their environment means knowing the impact of underwater noise on their...

My surgeon told me I should never run again. As a competitive runner, outdoor athlete, and writer, I was determined to prove him wrong. I trained my mind to heal my body. 

Pet flea and tick treatments contain pesticides that end up washing into the environment - here’s how

While much ink has been poured over China’s economic growth in recent decades, the contributions of Chinese women often receive less attention. With the pressure of the “three-child policy”, being...

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